What’s in your doula bag? It’s the question that may loom over your head. When you are anticipating hiring a doula for your family. This may be a point of wonder, as you prepare for the birth of your child.  At some point in the interview process, I may just open up my doula bag.  I will introduce one of the many items that I keep in my magical bag of tricks.  Which will be used to calm, relax and aid in dissolving some of the pain in natural childbirth. These items are my favorites and the most cost effective that won’t break the bank. 

This is my lavender oil that I keep in my doula bag

Yes, here are my top three essentials that I keep  inside my doula bag when preparing for a upcoming birth .

1.) Massage Oil

My massage oil has been my savior in many births.  Because, it can be the most calming and soothing side kick to your massage techniques.  As long as the oil has a minimum smell that will not irritate the mother your supporting.  I recommend some scent less oils such as jojoba oil.  In the beginning stages of labor, in between contractions it can open up a world of comfort.

2.) Massage Aids

One of my favorite massage aids is using something so unconventional.  Which is the tennis ball! It is a great stimulant.  I use it to rub on the back of the mother in labor. The ball helps with applying counter pressure when you are encountering a lot of back labor. Also, in the beginning stages of labor the mother can use it as something to squeeze and hold on to as you are contracting.  Which gives the doula or your partner’s hand a much needed break.

3.) Toiletries

  One of the best investments you can make is to pack your essential toiletries to your first birth. As you may know, you have to prepare for the long hours you will be putting in by the side of the mother your ready to support. Some of the toiletries you may have around the house.  They may be your handy dandy toothbrush, tooth paste and deodorant.  Always pack your feminine hygiene products because you just may never know what may happen after a 20 plus hour day.  Self care is always important as you are supporting your mother. 

These are just some of the essentials that I started off with in my doula journey.  It doesn’t take a lot.  Believe me, you will begin to collect a lot of doula tools on your journey as time goes on. These staples will forever be in my bag.

Just using these items alone will make a world of a difference to a mother in labor.  As it will make her feel cared for and supported through tough contractions. As the doula and her partner will work together hand in hand.  As we are not only feeding a mother in discomfort ice chips.  We are stimulating her in various ways that will ensure that she is soothed in every stage of labor. 

And, do you know what?

It just takes  minutes of using one of these tools.  As the lavender oil begins to infuse the air.  When the oil creates a much needed calm environment. As time goes on and tensions begin to rise, back labor begins to kick in.  Using these various massage techniques and tools helps in times when doula and partners hands lose energy.  The tools continues to do the job it needs to do.  Which is to create the magic of releasing the tension from the mother.

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Why I Became A Doula: The Story Behind Kangaroo Birthing & Maternity Concierge