Prenatal & Beyond Vitamin Rich Smoothies
Am I eating enough vitamins daily in my diet? What can I eat to ensure that I am in taking enough nutrients a day? These questions along with many others swirled in my head before and after pregnancy. It’s bad enough that you may be getting over morning sickness and have moved into the world of swollen feet. As a mother to be, you are concerned about the growth of your baby as it’s developing inside of you. I’m not a nutritionist. However with enough research, I found there are benefits to developing a new routine into your eating rotation. It can help in creating healthy habits to your body while you’re pregnant and well after.
Yes, taking your prenatal vitamins is essential to developing a healthy child. But, you can add these vitamin rich smoothies to your diet.

The Importance of Folate!
Folate is an essential prenatal nutrient. In my reading it is essential to healthy brain development. Some of the foods related to folate are leafy greens, cooked lentils, broccoli, northern beans and asparagus, just to name a few. Adding the beans to your smoothies would be gross. I would add Spinach or Kale to your smoothie. In order to ensure your baby is getting the nutrients needed on top of your prenatal vitamin intake.
Kick Up Your Choline…
Choline can be found in foods such as eggs, beef liver or dairy. I like to reiterate the foods or smoothies are a great addition to your vitamin intake. In my research, choline is essential in development of the fetal brain along with memory and learning functions. What we intake daily is critical in how our child grows and develops.
Calcium Rich Diet…
This vitamin is the most known to us. But, is it something that you are eating on a daily basis. Hopefully you’re not lactose intolerant. Always, check with your doctor to find out some essential alternatives. This mineral is important to bone and teeth development. You can add good old milk to your smoothie recipe. As a part of creating a vitamin rich diet…
Good Ol’ Ginger…
One ingredient that can assist in morning sickness is ginger. You can add this essential ingredient to your smoothie. As it will calm the queasiness and nausea stomach like symptoms. There are healing properties to ginger. As it is a natural inflammatory as it will relieve pain and improve circulation, just to name a few.
After reading some articles on just some of the above vitamins. It has enriched my family eating awareness. Ginger is an acquired taste that you may have to get used to. On top of adding a new habit of replacing your coffee in the morning with a nice healthy smoothie.
One of the articles that has helped me to learn more about essential vitamins needed in pregnancy was by a Dr. Lynch, “How to Use Prenatal Vitamins-For the Health of Your Child.”
If you would like some more Vitamin Rich Smoothie Recipes. You can simply sign up right here to download your checklist today. As a reference when you begin shopping for your smoothie need
Just download this handy list yo have on hand on your refrigerator. As it will remind you of the ingredients you need to buy once you take your next trip to the grocery store.